Health Care Law

Health Care Debate: ‘Settle This Thing’ Say Execs – CNBC

“It’s a good recruiting tool for us and others to get the best workers. But many firms can’t afford it.” Parts of the Affordable Health Care Act are already in place: coverage has expanded—those up to age 26 of age … Continue reading

Political Pitfalls in a Hasty Reaction to the Health Care Ruling – New York Times Blogs

Shortly after 10 a.m. on Thursday, the world will get its first reports from the United States Supreme Court about the fate of President Obama’s health care law. And if Monday was any indication, the initial result will be total … Continue reading

Health Care Ruling Expected Thursday –

15 a.m. Because of the complexity of the health care decision, several justices are expected to read opinions. If the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) is found constitutional, or unconstitutional, that will become apparent quickly, as that statement …

Supreme Court health care ruling: For health industry, ‘every man for himself’ –

Cable TV hosts are talking nonstop about the Supreme Court’s decision on President Barack Obama’s health care law. Politicians are waiting anxiously for it. And the health industry is plotting to win the aftermath. In corporate suites, K Street …

Tom Harkin: Health Care Law Contingencies Are Set For Supreme Court Ruling – Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Senate Health Committee says he is ready to go with contingency legislation if the Supreme Court throws out any or all of the Affordable Care Act. The high court is expected to rule on … Continue reading

Obama Defends Health Care Law: ‘It’s the Right Thing to Do’ – YAHOO!

Ahead of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act, President Obama today offered impassioned support for the law’s most popular provisions and warned that Mitt Romney opposes them, regardless of how the court rules. Obama told a crowd … Continue reading

Walker: Wis. won’t act on health care ruling – San Francisco Gate

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Regardless of the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has vowed not to do anything until after the November election. Walker, an outspoken … Continue reading

Health Care Games: The Odds Are Not In Obamacare’s Favor – ABC News

As pundits across America weigh the political odds of the Supreme Court’s health care decision, stock traders around the globe are wagering on the controversial law’s fate. The odds of a key component of the Affordable Care Act surviving the … Continue reading

Care to Wager on the Supreme Court’s ACA Ruling? – YAHOO!

Some people can’t wait for the U.S. Supreme Court announcement of its ruling on the Obama Administration’s Affordable Care Act (aka health care reform law), so they are betting on the outcome. Intrade, a popular online trading exchange, provides a … Continue reading

Romney Previews His Response to the Supreme Court’s Health Care Ruling – New York Times Blogs

SALEM, Va. — Mitt Romney‘s campaign is eagerly awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision on President Obama’s health care law, which is expected on Thursday morning. But on Tuesday, at a machinery company here, Mr. Romney offered a preview …