Single Mother My Choice proffers all-encompassing information on state-specific financial help for the cash-strapped single mother

Single Mother Assistance Programs : Ease your life

(, September 07, 2012 ) Singapore, SG -- With one in four kids having a single parent, the need to provide for such families is greater than before. A single mother has to factor in several expenses that have to be managed with meager earnings. She not only juggles expenses for electricity and water utilities, food and baby food, which consume a sizeable chunk of earnings, but she also faces the task of overcoming the embarrassment of seeking financial help and then finding out what is available for her by way of grants and how the state can help. makes life easy with its need-specific information on financial help for single mothers, the various schemes for government help and grants for the single mother. As these issues are best understood by women who can emotionally connect and empathize with single mothers, this website --- run by an experienced woman who has a team of like-minded women working behind the scenes to source and present information --- somewhat eases the struggle of looking for state-specific help.

Among the wide range of grants for single mothers in Florida are the food assistance program known as SUNCAP, education grants enabling single mothers to pay for college fee, housing grants that include affordable rentals, special assistance for raising children, financial help for paying off that pile of medical bills, healthcare coverage for the single mom and children under the age of 19 and the Temporary Cash Assistance initiative.

Besides the assistance offered by the government, various NGOs also offer financial help. Agencies like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross are well-known, but other private charities, trusts and organizations also have schemes designed to help the needy single mothers. In many cases, the cash assistance is replaced by providing structured aid in the form of clothes, assured supply of food for the single mom and her kids, besides providing education assistance and meeting the needs for housing.

Often, an application is all that is required to apply for schemes under state help. The local welfare office has a system asking you to fill out a form describing your economic background. Most grants have a ceiling on the average annual income to enable qualification. Many state-sponsored grants have a built-in program that allows the beneficiary to perform a service under the terms of the grant. This lessens the embarrassment of having to survive on grants. Some of these schemes are in fields like education, agriculture and arts.


One day, Meera Watts was searching online when she stumbled upon stories about the plight of the single mother. The experience was soul stirring and led her to create the website, The site is an exhaustive compilation of the best available resources for single moms on money matters, childcare and other relevant subjects. It lightens the load of the single mother by being her gateway to life-easing information.
Meera Watts

Source: EmailWire.Com
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