Metier Law Firm, LLC Hits the Radio Waves to Celebrate Women Riders and Promote Motorcycle Safety

(, July 18, 2012 ) DENVER, CO – The Metier Law Firm, LLC is launching a Colorado Springs radio campaign throughout July of 2012 to celebrate women riders and promote motorcycle safety. The campaign, which is set to include on-air interviews and radio ads, will provide listeners with stories about women riders and the impact they are having on the motorcycle community. Additionally, the campaign will focus on motorcycle safety awareness and provide motorists with valuable information about motorcycle accidents and how to avoid them.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has made it a priority to reduce motorcycle accidents by promoting a shared road between motorists and motorcyclists. Many federal, state and local agencies are teaming up to share motorcycle safety tips.

The NHTSA reports that motorcyclists are 37 times more likely to die in an accident than other drivers are. Metier Law Firm, LLC hopes to bring that number down by sharing tips and information about the major causes of motorcycle accidents. Topics include emergency braking, evasive maneuvers, riding with passengers and increasing visibility.

“Motorcycle visibility is one of the most important issues facing drivers today,” said Tom Metier, managing partner of Metier Law Firm, LLC. “Most of these accidents happen because other drivers don’t see motorcycles in time. Whether you drive a car, truck or motorcycle, everyone needs to do their part to prevent motorcycle accidents.” Metier said that motorcyclists should “drive defensively” and keep their eyes out for inattentive motorists. He advises automobile drivers to follow at least three or four seconds behind motorcyclists, assume motorcycles are closer than they appear and prepare for sudden movements a motorcyclist might make to avoid debris.

Tom Metier has been a motorcycle enthusiast since he was young. He brought Law Tigers, a national association of motorcycle injury lawyers with a passion for riding, to Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. Tom has received countless accolades throughout his career, including the designation as a Colorado Super Lawyer. He is a member of the American Association for Justice, the American Association of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers, the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, the Coloradoans for Civil Justice and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. His firm has won numerous victories for victims of motorcycle injuries, and continues to fight for motorcyclists’ rights.

For more information, contact Metier Law Firm, LLC at (866) 377-3800 or by email at

Attorneys Online, Inc.
Cheney Winslow

Source: EmailWire.Com
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