Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Exposes the Truth About Dangerous Accidents

(LegalLaw247.com, August 29, 2012 ) Houston,Texas -- “I know distracted driving is dangerous when people do it, but I am always in control of MY vehicle, even when I’m on the cell phone!” This is the attitude of over half the drivers in the United States. Even drivers who believe their driving abilities are not impaired tend to take their eyes off the road for five seconds or more during texting or calling.

When tested in a simulator, drivers using a cell phone are four times more likely to be in an accident than drivers who do not use a cell phone. This risk is equivalent to someone who is legally intoxicated. If a person takes their eyes off the road for five seconds or greater (normal for texting drivers), they are eight times more likely to crash. The statistics are worse for truck drivers. When truck drivers take their eyes off the road to send or receive a text, a distraction of as little as five seconds on the highway translates into driving without looking at the road for the distance of a football field. Because of the time it takes to brake a large truck, truck drivers who exhibit distracted behavior are 23 times more likely to be involved in an 18 wheeler truck accident than non-distracted truck drivers. Interestingly, studies show that any distraction taking the eyes off the road for more than two seconds is considered at very high risk for an accident.

The accidents that result from texting are very preventable. Texting is the worst distraction tested. In Texas approximately 20% of driving fatalities are due to the use of the cell phone in some capacity. Texas is trying to proactively address concerns with distracted driving.

In April 2012, the Texas Department of Transportation launched a Talk. Text. Crash. Campaign. In Texas alone, more than 81,000 crashes involved distracted driving, 361 of them fatal in 2011. Unfortunately, when a crash involves a large tractor trailer and a smaller vehicle, the chances of a fatality are almost certain. As a result, the Texas government, in partnership with State Farm and Clear Channel Outdoor will be using various techniques to increase awareness of the dangers of distractions while driving.

The US Department of Transportation banned handheld cell phone use by truck drivers, commercial drivers and bus drivers in 2011. The state of Texas banned all cell phone use including texting, for newly minted drivers and bus drivers and has banned cell phone usage and texting for everyone in school zones. But there is still resistance to a total ban of cell phones and texting devices despite the clear data that these activities are dangerous. The hope is that this campaign will help change people’s minds and behavior. More answers to FAQs about trucking accidents are available on the Houston Trucking Lawyer website. Site visitors can also read more about the work the law firm does for trucking accidents.

About Houston Truck Accident Lawyers

Houston Truck Accident Lawyers are different from many other law firms because of their extensive experience in successfully resolving cases by settlement and trial and the personal attention that devoted to each client. Since 2006, their car and truck accident lawyers have recovered millions in settlements and verdicts on behalf of clients who were injured in 18 wheeler accidents and commercial vehicle accidents in both Houston, Texas, and in the United States.

Houston Truck Injury Lawyer
Chuck Newsome

Source: EmailWire.Com
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